Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 4, 2011

Q&A: How do i send themes on my sony ericsson w910i phone to other phones?

Q&A: How do i send themes on my sony ericsson w910i phone to other phones?

My friends can send me themes from their different phones. But me and my other mate have the same phone (sony ericsson w910i) and we can’t seem to find how you send them. If anyone knows anything about this, how you send them or if you cant send them, pleasee help me.

Answer by Roy T

Answer by Sandra N
if your beside him use bluetooth if not then send the theme as a picture message i.e mms

Answer by [[♫ ¨ Lucy ¨♫]]
i have that phone aswell
both of you turn on your bluetooth an if your sending them a theme, go to organizer, file administrator, themes and then click the options button (the one above the conservational phone button) and “send” is first on the side list , then click “via bluetooth” it wil search for your any available phones that have bluetooth activated so then just click on your mates mobile.

its not as long as that seems but i hope i helped =]

What do you reckon? Answer below!

Sony Ericsson phone
sony ericsson phones

Image by Danny McL

I am looking at the sony ericsson W995, sony ericsson Satio, sony ericsson Vivaz, and sony ericsson C905. Can someone tell me how excellent they are like in order from best to worst. Also if you can….. which ones are simplest to text, and I want to see for example websites with photos on that were taken with the phones. Thanks a lot :)

Answer by Valentino
well,it is not so simple,the W995(W is for walkman) is a music handy,and the Satio(12.1 mpx) is a photo handy while the Vivaz(HD camera) a video handy is.For texting is the W995 the best because it hasa numeric keyboard,the satio and the vivaz have a virtual qwertz imitation,but it is not a excellent one.

Oh,and,the C905 is a cheaper phone that is not even close to the other phones.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Sony Ericsson’s new flagship Walkman phone finally has a 3.5mm audio jack! Noah checks out the W995, a flip phone with the Walkman player and a 8.1mp camera – live from MWC 2009 in Barcelona. WIN COOL STUFF! Play now @

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