Q&A: How to remove java game from NOKIA 5700? When I removing game, it's writing in the display: "Removing failed"
When I removing game such as SNAKE 3 or Prince of Persia, it’s writing in the show: “Removing failed!”
Delight help :/
Answer by !!!MOM SAYS! AVOID GIRLS!!!
sometimes it happens with me….so i reckon its a hardware conundrum with you cell…try to remove with usb cable or bule tooth.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Answer by Smokey MonTana
I suggest that you bed in anyway. I had that same error on my PPC and it works fine!
if you rather not You can access the same products thru the mobile web
go to http://m.yahoo.com
also there is a site for yahoo messenger that you an go to and you can also get AIM and MSN and Yahoo =go to
this may help untl they get things resolved.
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