What websites can I buy a Nokia e90 from?
I have looked on eBay for a nokia e90, and the prices are pretty high, Does anyone know any other websites I can try? I have also tried amazon. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it doesn’t have to have a charger or anything as I already have a nokia charger, I just really want an e90?
Answer by solo
You can buy Nokia E90 Communicator Unlocked Quadband GSM Phone from Amazon.comhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001GQXYSC?ie=UTF8&tag=digitsy-marina-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B001GQXYSC
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Nokia E90 test
Image by EOS Cameroun
Prise de photos avec mon nouvel Nokia E90
has any one got it, what is it like? why is it worth buying?
Answer by Candy
Yes it is a very nice phone kinda expensive but it is worth it with all the feautures you can buy it here
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Nokia E7 – orange
The Nokia E7 has some wonderful qualities, like great hardware and excellent battery life, but ultimately its inferior software trips up this business-oriented smartphone.
Read more on ZDNet
Also have a look at some detailed pics at www.mgc-mag.net. The Nokia E90 Communicator is one of the cellphones which many people wait for. Now we got it and took a video of it.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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