Your opinion on Samsung Digital Cameras?!?
I know it is not a company dedicated to building cameras only, but I want to hear the opinions. The price seems competitive and looks gorgeous, and what is your opinion on Samsung cameras?
Answer by xIxLOVExBELLAx
I believe Samsung is just an incredible company. They make the best plasma and LCD televisions even though may not give them the highest rating I have some of their products and am extremely pleased as well as my friends with theirs.
I believe that if you buy any Samsung Digital Camera you will not be disappointed. My friend Amy has one & she likes it. I have used it once or twice & was just amazed at our fantastic of a camera it is.
As you’ve said Samsung does not build themselves around making cameras but of course they are a fantastic company that does place excellent quality products out there.
Delight in your day & take care of yourself. Pleased Easter.
Answer by dannyboy9780
i have never used them before but SAMSUNG is a fantastic company but i would recommend Kodak They make awesome digital cameras i have had 2 Digital Cameras From Them as well as the key is to get many mega-pixels as you can the more mega-pixels you have the more better your images will be and the more storage your camera can hold
Answer by Elvis
I have the s860
I have had no problems
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
dixons_oxford_040506_samsung_digital camera
Image by cpchannel
Hi, for all you fell samsung digital camera users, when You record a video at a concert, is your signal SUPERR terrible? For some reason, mines is, and its really ticking me off! I want to record excellent videos at concerts but the signal is sooo terrible? Is there any way I can fix this?
Answer by hotdogseeksbun
Not really unless you bring another recording device with you. Camera microphones are small and all but worthless.
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Samsung SH100 is a WiFi-enabled digital camera
I'm sure you've doubtless experienced taking a photo with your camera of something cool and immediately want to share it on your Facebook. The conundrum is, you don't have a PC or laptop or if you do, you don't have a way to transfer your photos into it. Well, Samsung has a solution for that. [...]
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