Monitor Electronics Repair - Troubleshooting Guide For LCD Monitors?
I specialize in repairing LG and Samsung LCD monitors and need some extra schematics, tips and thoughts to make my job more efficient. Is there any guide on the subject of LCD repairs that covers it in greater detail?
Answer by Aldie
LCD Monitor Repair is the industry standard ‘top guide’ for LCD repairs of most brands. I’ve been able to fruitfully troubleshoot a digit of LCDs for my clients, with a 95% success rate with Acer, LG, Samsung & Philips monitors. These are the ones I get most often.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
My new LCD monitor
Image by cjsimmons
Picked this up now. It’s a Samsung 2333SW. 23" of wonders. Everything looks awesome on this. Colours are fantastic, and flickr is like a whole new site now, photos look stunning!!
My Samsung P2250 has been around for less than a year, and all of a sudden now I noticed the color was slightly off. White appeared slightly pinkish, the grey toolbars looked purplish and so on.
Is this covered by warranty (I have a one year warranty)? Because its just a slight purplish tint, I do not know if it warrants a repair/ replacement.
Answer by Vishnu Babu
might be due to some magnets nearby like speakers keep distance
Answer by F. Thompson
Yeah, it either magnets or you applied pressure to it. You know if you get a calculator screen and press it, lot of colours appear, it’s the same thought but on a permanent level. Though it will either take a very long time to revert back or it wont. Sorry.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Samsung LCD Monitor Commercial -Taiwan version- PS It is not real.. just joke
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