What Verizon Wireless phones have a pressure sensitive touch?
I’m looking for a new phone and the one I have (LG ENV Touch) is a pressure sensitive touch screen – I can use my nails to text. The one my husband has (Samsung Facinate) is heat sensitive touch screen – he uses the pads of his fingers and I don’t like that aspect about it. Does Verizon Wireless carry a NEW Smartphone that I can use my nails to tap at?
Answer by AndreY
Beats me.
Answer by Shopaholic
I don’t reckon that there are many pressure sensitive phones from Verizon. There was the LG Explorer but I’m pretty sure that it has been discontinued. You could buy a new LG ENV Touch if you really want a pressure sensitive phone. I don’t really like pressure sensitive phones, in my opinion, because they respond to pressure so when they’re in a purse or in your pocket they call unsystematic people and just go crazy. You should get an HTC Droid Incredible. It’s a heat sensitive touch screen phone but it’s still awesome
Answer by jimmyphoneking
check out gsm arena.com for all models and specs
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Lowell McAdam, President & CEO Verizon, at CTIA WIRELESS 2008
Image by TechShowNetwork
Lowell McAdam, President & CEO Verizon, keynote at CTIA WIRELESS 2008 in Las Vegas, NV
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Looking for a new verizon phone. I absolutely despise my ancient one =(. which verizon phones would be a excellent buy. + let’s keep this on the cheap side. my max spending would doubtless be 200. give or take.
Answer by xxxadamedge
if youre not getting a plot, you wont get a excellent phone for under 200
if you are getting a plot (groundbreaking new or renew) then you can go for the env, env2, and i reckon the explorer is under 200 with a plot
Answer by best question answerers!!
LG enV—–$ 79.99 (online)
Samsung Alias——$ 79.99 (online)
LG Chocolate——-$ 99.99(online)
LG enV²—————-$ 99.99 (online)
Motorola MOTORIZR—-$ 129.00(online)
LG VENUS————199.99 (online)
Samsung FlipShot—–$ 199.99 (online)
Motorola MOTO Q——$ 129.99 (online)
BlackBerry Pearl™ 8130—-$ 169.99(online)
BlackBerry Curve™ 8330—-$ 199.99 (online)
Answer by asdf
with a 2-year contract and the rebate, the env is only about 79 bucks. and env2 should be about 100.
but a new phone called the glyde is reallllyy cool. its about 200. it has a touch screed and you can slide it open. it has a 2.0 camera which is really excellent and a QWERTY keyboard. i suggest you get that one
Answer by ciao_bella
I have a verizon razr and it works well (even though dropped it many a time) and it looks cool. They have them in a lot of different colors like pink and blue. I can’t remember what price it was but i don’t reckon it was outrageous. I recommend going in the verizon store because they have a wide verity of phones.
Answer by Samson2468
The LG Choclate is like $ 79.99 with a 2 yr contract. The Explorer is $ 180-$ 200 i reckon on verizon with 2 yr contract. The Razr is excellent
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