Why can't I download Nokia PC Suite for my Nokia 3120 Classic?
I have a Nokia 3120 Classic, but I don’t know how to transfer my files from computer to phone, because when I went on Nokia,com.au to download PC Suite, there was none that was compatible with my phone. I don’t know why this is so, and I would like someone to clarify to me why. I know I can use Bluetooth to transfer files, but im not very technological and I would like someone to clarify to me HOW i can connect to bluetooth and WHERE i can. SOmebody help delight??
Okay, my phone is really a new version (the ancient version is the 3120 without the classic), if you search it up on google you will find out. It has bluetooth, 3G, 2 megapixels camera, video call, and etc. (it’s newer than the 6300)
Okay, my phone is really a new version (the ancient version is the 3120 without the classic), if you search it up on google you will find out. It has bluetooth, 3G, 2 megapixels camera, video call, and etc. (it’s newer than the 6300). It also requires a USB (CA-101 – I have no thought what that is), so could anyone tell me what that is and everywhere to get it?
Answer by 3riCa
to be honest with you, you’re phone is too outdated for Nokia PC Suite.
Also, bluetooth is not available on all phones, well, not on ancient phones at least.
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after i click download do i click run or save. HURRY PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER ME PLEASE PLEASE AND THANK YOU!
Answer by damien
you can press either of them. run will automatically run the downloaded software. Save will save the program on your machine(pc). after which you will have to bed in it yourself.hope that helps.
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PLEASE READ…!!! DOWNLOAD Nokia PC Suite from the link – bit.ly Nokia PC Suite is a wrap of Windows-based PC applications developed especially for use with Nokia phones. Depending on your phone model, Nokia PC Suite lets you edit, synchronize and back up many of your phone’s files on a compatible PC through a cable or wireless tie. Here are some key features of “Nokia PC Suite”: · Back up and restore phone files · Transfer information, pictures, and music from phone to phone or phone to PC · Synchronize your phone and PC calendars · Edit contacts, pictures, and phone file names · Bed in Java-based applications in your phone · Convert ringing tone formats · Play multimedia messages and videos · Send text messages from the PC · Connect by by your phone as a modem Requirements: · Nokia Mobile Phone connected to your PC · Available hard disk space: At least 300 MB of free disk space · Tie methods: USB cable, infrared (IrDA), or Bluetooth
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