Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 4, 2011

what cell phone carriers use nokia phones?

what cell phone carriers use nokia phones?

I have a nokia phone. I live in Ohio, but plotting a go to Nevada. I want to what other cell phone companies will allow me to use this nokia phone

Answer by Dean
why would they not let you use your cell?

Answer by Bakhtiar
Any GSM carrier such as T-mobile, At&t will support your phone. Just make sure the phone is Unlocked!!!

Answer by
Nokia accept any cell phone (not like Iphone)
Nokia more comfortable then other.

Answer by Lance R
i use a nokia n95 with AT&T, its an awesome phone and a excellent service.

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sneaking out of work
used nokia cell phones

Image by 2-Dog-Farm
I should start a new series called "sneaking out of work at 9:40PM to take sundown pictures" by my Nokia cell phone 6126. My co-workers are starting to get used to me doing it. Next time I will double dare one of them to be in one of my photos with a sundown in back of them.

or do the antennas get stronger and better if the model is newer. for example my dad has a nokia grown-up phone and mine is like 2 being grown-up. would the signal strength be the same in the same seats?

Answer by vicky a

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Buy at The 8800 Arte Nokia cell phone is the most luxurious mobile model of the Nokia brand. has the best prices on unlocked cell phones that can be used worlwide.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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