Nokia N97 Mini Sim Registration Failed?
Hi, my nokia n97 mini was working impeccably in anticipation of earlier now, when i looked at it and saw it was flashing up on the screen with ‘Tie Not Available’, so i took the Orange simcard out of the phone and replaced it with another Orange simcard, this one didn’t work either, so i then replaced it with a Tesco simcard, which does work in the phone, i would just like to know if anyone knows how to make my Orange simcards work in the phone again, any suggestions would be brilliant. Thanks.
Answer by #1 Mustang Fan
You need to contact Orange, it sounds like there is a conundrum with your account as the other carrier’s SIM did work in the device you know the phone is not terrible.
Answer by Mohamed Elashri
first try to bring up to date your N97 , so if it failed again try to contact your operator
check the updates of Nokia N97 on the below post
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I didn’t want to use the costly charges of GPRS/EDGE/3G on my handphone,so I chose to use my pc’s online tie through my N85 hp.Is there a way for this?
I need to upgrade firmware through this method produce’ Nokia Software Updater failed me numerous times already..Besides that,I don’t use Phoenix to sparkle my hp,it’s risky.
I’m in need of desperate help..Prompt answer is greatly appreciated.
I live in a small state in Malaysia..They don’t have high speed wireless yet..Not only that,it isn’t abudantly available in housing areas yet..So,I’m depending on my broadband tie..
Delight find a way everywhere my handphone could connect to the Internet by the pc’s internet tie.
I got no choice but to do that way..Anyway,I just need to do that once because I’m very nervous to bring up to date my handphone’s firmware,so this is the safest method other than by Phoenix to sparkle it.Pls help me,I don’t mind going through inconvinient troubles since I’m doing it once in a blue moon just for my phone’s updates etc..
Answer by [[ x o x ]] MaGii3 [[ x o x ]]
u can hav use wireless nd download gnubox or sumfing to ur phone
Answer by ibrahamovic00
Why must you?if going on internet in that way,you can never surf the internet wireless.does it convenient for you?
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