Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 6, 2011

Which worth more Nokia N95-4 8GB us version or Apple Iphone 16gb Non 3G?

Which worth more Nokia N95-4 8GB us version or Apple Iphone 16gb Non 3G?

I am consider trade my iphone 16gb non 3g for additional guy 16gb iphone, is it worth it?

Answer by Johnny
why is the n95 in the question?

the n95 8g is still 500+ new

iphone needs contract unless you can hunt one down without one which will cost 800-1500 on ebay even if it is really worth only 299.

Answer by Andrew
n95-4 is worth far more.
new, unopened, first gen iphones on ebay are around $ 250-$ 300
used n95-4 on ebay are $ 450-$ 500

the question though
“I am consider trade my iphone 16gb non 3g for additional guy 16gb iphone, is it worth it?”
so you want to trade your 16gb iphone for a 16gb iphone.. why?

Give your answer to this question below!

Can I Use Aussie Sim Card in N95 Us?
nokia n95 us

Image by cambodia4kidsorg

If I hold a sim card in Australia and place in my US n95 nokia – can I spill qik?


Will a UK Nokia N95 8GB work in the US? On which network?

I know there is some kind of difference between 2G and 3G, but am not technically savvy at all!

I just need to know on which network (i.e. T-Mobile) a UK Nokia N95 8GB will work in the US, so I don’t have to get a new phone in the US, but can just use my UK phone without any problems.

Thanks a million!!

Answer by Alex H.
Yes, it will work. You can use your phone on T-Mobile and AT&T at edge speeds but you will not be able to use 3G.

Add your own answer in the comments!
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