Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 6, 2011

samsung computer monitor for less than $100.00?

samsung computer monitor for less than $100.00?

please dont tell me to go to ebay i tryied it they are expensive i need a real website where i can get one for less than $ 100.00 please

Answer by Huge bird gets girlzz ™
go to or

The largest you’ll find is a 22 inch though

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Work Computer
samsung computer monitors

Image by ahhyeah

Is there a way to tell what resolution my computer currently supports or is running? What peripherals would I need to hold to make the connection? The TV is a Samsung LN-S3241D in case that matters. I know it has DVI & HDMI capabilities as well as standard component relations. I can’t reckon of any additional questions to question. Please advise!

Answer by aviatingamateur
SInce your TV has a DVI connector, just connect it to your computer with a DVI cable if your computer also has a DVI port.

If you want the sound to come out of the TV, you will also need to hook up your computer’s sound card to the TV with a stereo-mini-to-dual-RCA cable.

Hope this helps, and excellent luck.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Osram goes after LG and Samsung
Siemens ‘ lighting arm Osram has chose to jump on the patent infringement bandwagon.
Read more on TechEye

I take no responciblility for any mishaps that may maybe potentialy happen. DISCHARGE ALL CAPS BEFORE REMOVAL!!!!! Don’t plug in the monitor as I have done here for testing and this record. The power board carries 120 volts, and it WILL bite you if you are not careful! Whole time and cost… 15 minutes to the community electronics parts shop, 30 minutes to crack the case open and install the capacitors, .00 for the parts. Cheap, Simple and saves a LOT of $ !!!
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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