Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 5, 2011

where is the sent messages on the nokia e66?

where is the sent messages on the nokia e66?

after sending an text message, i cannot see the sent text message. how do i do that?

Answer by ryley w
first you must go to menu
second there will be a mail envelope
click the envelope
if no messages appear no new messages

or you have no sent messages

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Nokia N900 and Nokia E66
nokia e66

Image by dailymobile
Feel free to use but don’t forget to give credit to Dailymobile

i tried copy-pasting it into my fone, but i m not able to find it later!

Answer by muy
I’ll assume that by ‘mobile theme’ you mean a theme compatible with your mobile which you probably downloaded via pc. Here are 3 ways you can do it,and there’s other ways too
1:The simplest way would be to use the nokia pc suite software that came with your phone if you already have it set up on you pc and paired up your phone to it. Start the program,connect the phone,click on install programs,search for the location of the theme on your pc,double click it and it will be transferred to the phone.
2: Put the memory card from your phone into the card slot of your pc(if it has one) and just transfer the file onto it.Your phone will detect the file as compatible if it and you can then activate it.
3: Via bluetooth if your pc has one. Just send it to your phone like you would with music or pictures.Again,your phone will detect the file as compatible if it is and will send it to the appropriate folder, received file folder or it just remain on the selected storage memory where you’ll then manually activate it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Nokia E66 Review Video
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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