Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2011

MONITORS - LG M2762D vs ViewSonic VX2739WM vs Samsung P2770HD?

MONITORS - LG M2762D vs ViewSonic VX2739WM vs Samsung P2770HD?

Basically I want a monitor for gaming on my xbox 360, primarily. I want to know which monitor has the best picture quality output using only HDMI? Which has better brightness? less light bleed? better colors?

Answer by Lukkas
Get a Dell U2711.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Ständer: LG Monitor E2350 VR
lg monitors

Image by nikiobermeier

Hi I am looking for a lg monitor that has an led widescreen as I have heard those are the ones to get these days. I think the lg monitor should be around 22 inches. i wouldnt mind if the lg monitor has a cool design and the quality in this lg monitor is very important to me.

I want to be able to show movies etc. to my friends and family on this lg monitor in a way where we will have an awesome experience. Anybody?

Answer by Dan Mendes
If you want a lg monitor to make your friends and family proud with, then I would suggest the LG E2250T-PN (Check Link Below). This is a great lg monitor, it is a 22-inch LED widescreen.

The images are crystal clear, I actually read a review saying that it almost looks like 3D even though it is 2D, which just give an indication of the great quality.

And it looks very cool no matter where you place it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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Keynote ® Systems , the global leader in Internet and mobile cloud monitoring, today announced breakthrough capabilities for accurately monitoring and testing the download speed and content quality of rich websites as experienced by users of the latest smartphones and tablets on the market.
Read more on Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance

have this problem with my monitor. I already took it to the authorized LG repair shop, and they said it was a “LCD screen problem” and wanted to change it (it costs the same as a whole new monitor) . I disagreed, and when I went there to pick it up, it was working perfectly again! But, about a month later thie problem came back. OBVIOUSLY this isn´ta screen or backlight problem, looks like a video proccessing problem on the logic board or something. The flashing is due to Windows´s normal. The moving streak at the end of the video is the mouse cursor PLEASEHELP!

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