Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 5, 2011

Can I transfer music to my sony ericsson w580i cell phone using napster?

Can I transfer music to my sony ericsson w580i cell phone using napster?

I just got the chip today but I’m not sure how to get the files onto it. May maybe someone tell me how?
Another business, with windows examiner, how do I acsess my music files from napster?

Answer by christineleigh23
When you got your phone it should have came with a M2 Memory Stick Micro Adapter. You need to pull the chip out of the M2 slot at the top of your phone and place the chip into the M2 memory stick adapter….place that into your computer and then a file should come up…..u will be able transfer from that

You can use Napster or Lime wire

Excellent Luck

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

used sony ericsson cell phones

Image by invent
These doodles were made (usually at work in meetings) at times of boredom :)

Made using the (ancient) P900 Sony Ericsson phone

AT&T is sending it as a replacement for my current phone, which is broken. Curious if anyone else has it, and what you reckon of it?

Answer by jbluv1394
i do. its ok.

Answer by Leo L
I have tried it. The sound quality isn’t that excellent but still okay. The one business that sucks on this phone is that you can only use the camera in likeness and it also has no record call camera. But still excellent though. How about the w595? Or the w910?

Check out this w760 review:

Answer by Christopher
My daughter has this phone and she likes it and her husband also has this phone and he likes it also.

Answer by Wingz
Best business about it is that you can blast out music through the speakers.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

The Bluetooth-watches MBW-100 and MBW-150 rank among the most well loved accessories by Sony Ericsson for mobile phones. Naturally, they can only be used in combination with Sony Ericsson mobile phones — until now! SIC! Software GmbH, a Germany-based specialist for mobile phones, has developed a software which provides the same features for S60 Smartphones by Nokia and Samsung that can originally only be used by Sony Ericsson mobile phones. Incoming calls, text messages, e-mail, calendar and alarm clock — control now everything at your wrist! This record shows how the Sony Ericsson Watch MBW-150 works in combination with the groundbreaking new Nokia E71.
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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