Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 5, 2011

nokia N73(705NK) PHONE software.HELP I CAN'T USE MY MOBILE!!!?

nokia N73(705NK) PHONE software.HELP I CAN'T USE MY MOBILE!!!?

i got my N73(705NK) flashed but i can’t install the original nokia N73 software.It was bought from softbank..i can’t do anything with it now….I can’t find the software on the net.does anybody know a link where i could download the software????please help
i got my N73(705NK) flashed but i can’t install the original nokia N73 software.It was bought from softbank..i can’t do anything with it now….I can’t find the software on the net.does anybody know a link where i could download the software????please help.the original software isn’t compatible.

Answer by muba
go to the nokia site and then to the link “Get support and software”. You’ll get the latest software for all Nokia phones. Here select your Phone Model and download the software.

Answer by Jagannath
please try in this link
it may helpful to you. I installed a lot from this & Oh yeah all are working.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Nokia-Flickr Tested!
nokia n73 software

Image by trustmeiamnotageek
Pelatihan Shalat Khusyu, JPOD, PSP and N73 Music edition Software Suite

I have a Nokia N73 music edition phone and i know it doesnt have wifi enabled.So can I use any third party software to enable wifi? If there ios available any such software …Will that work?

Answer by D!G!T@L D3STRUCT!0N – readd!!!!!
no wifi is not a software issue but a hardware issue the phone has to have a WLAN chip in it to be able to pick up the signals which are very different from cell phone signals

Answer by Doctor
LOL ! No hardware installed in N73 to enable wi-fi. Therefore, only software would not fulfil it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Professional Software for your Nokia N73 T-Mobile Phone from Datapilot! Used to safely access and/or sync your Phonebook, Pictures, Ringtones, MP3, Calendar, Images, Video, and more to your PC or Mac. (Features may vary from phone to phone)

  • Insure your mobile content – contacts, music, pictures, movies and SMS – with easy backup on your PC with this software and your USB Cable or Bluetooth Adapter (not included).
  • Sync your address book and calendar?with Outlook, Outlook Express, Palm Desktop, or almost any address format file given your phone supports this feature.
  • This is the exact type of software you need to Download/Save/Upload/Edit features such as music, MP3, pictures, videos, phonebook, SMS, and text messages with your computer.
  • Best of all, the version sold here gives UNLIMITED & FREE transfers for life! Avoid your carriers expensive subscriptions that don’t even do half of what this software will do for you!
  • REQUIRED: Buyer must verify support for their phone with Datapilot since all features in the software are not capable with all phones including this one.

Professional Software for your Nokia N73 T-Mobile Phone from Datapilot! All features listed below may vary and not be capable on your specific phone, please check with your carrier or the seller before purchasing. Software is non refundable once the copyright seal has been broken.

List Price: $ 79.99

Price: $ 39.99

Video of the n73 with some nice software on it
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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