Does anyone knows a software for NOKIA N70 or S60 series, that shows the real number of a hidden call?
Does anyone knows a software for NOKIA N70 or S60 series, that shows the real number of a hidden call?
Answer by vid3ogam3r4lif3
I dont reckon they have software like that because public set there phone to private, I thionk you would have to set it on there side of the call.
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Plazes for Symbian
Image by manu contreras
I am plotting to update my N70 or make a clean installation of OS ,
So i want to backup it thru PC suite will the games also be backuped and the softwares in it,
and can i install the latest symbian OS 9.0
Answer by stephers23
i have no clue i reckon it might because when you back up it saves your shit so i reckon iot might but im not 100% certain or for sure bout it
Answer by VJ
If you have the Nokia PC Suite on your PC, you can back up your phone and then upgrade the software from the Nokia website. But, this can be tough as some of the software you might have downloaded non-centrally might not get backed up. but if you are trying to clean up the phone memory then this should not be an issue. But if you want to upgrade, it is better that you install what Nokia recommends for the phone as some updates are not available for all phone models.
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Work on a free software GPRS/EDGE stack!
FSF: GPRS is a technology used by mobile phones to transmit data. If you have internet access on your cellphone, it’s likely that you are using GPRS.
Read more on Linux Today
well… juz 4 fun…
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