How do you repair touchscreen for Sony Ericsson k850i?
I have a sony ericsson k850i and the three touchscreen keys are not working at all. How do I repair this conundrum?
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你好吗 – Chinese Font – Sony Ericsson K850i
Image by avlxyz
Even though this is the k850i International version, as opposed to the k858c Chinese version, I was surprised that apart from European languages, there were East Asian languages, inclusing Simplified Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese!
Does anyone know the Sony Ericsson K850i is going to cost when it is unrestricted on October 8th? Try to avoid unsystematic speculation delight. Thanks in enhancement.
Answer by sexysk8er17
Well its not going to be the same price when its realesed. Heres what I meen right now u could alredy get it the only conundrum is that it wont have service and it will be alot more expensive.h
Answer by Ali t
I read its review somewhere but i dont really remember everywhere anyways they that the announced price is around 500-650.
Answer by Renata J
This is one thing I have to tell you if you plot to buy it the day the week the month it comes out. DONT!!! Becuase you will have a lot of problems with it. BTW sony ericsons arent excellent phones. Buy a nokia. Sorry for all the yapping but im trying to help you… And the price will be from $ 530-$ 649.99
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Sony Ericsson K850i Luminous Conservational Unlocked GSM Phone
- Sony Ericsson K850i GSM Unlocked Quad-band Phone.
Gorgeous images – The K850 offers auto focus and a Xenon sparkle to produce right digital camera results. Even if you are not an expert photographer, the K850 helps you to get the best possible photos on your phone. With Photo fix you can improve set alight balance in one click right. BestPicTM is a helpful feature for taking pictures of moving objects, for example at a sports event. The camera takes nine pictures in rapid succession ensuring that you get a excellent photo, and then you can simply choose the
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