At higher altitudes, what is used to cool down aircraft engines?
Water is used as a coolant for cars. Which fluid is used for jet engines? Someone told me it was water. Someone else told me it cannot be water because water freezes at higher altitudes. So which fluid is it?
P.S: I know air is partially used to cool down the engine, but i’m sure bypass air is not the only fluid cooling down the engine.
Answer by jumbobret
Answer by Falcon163
there is no fluid to cool jet engines it is all air coold if you reckon about it. it can be 90 degrees at ground level and at 35,000 feet it is negative 60 degrees farenheit. and that is very cold. cold enough to keep anything cool.
Answer by Valder
it’s all air.
Answer by calnickel
Air is used for cooling the engine. It is not the bypass air though. Also one must consider operations on the ground, everywhere the air temp can be 110 degrees and the engine is producing maximum power.
Only about 10% of the air is used for combustion, the rest is for cooling and as a medium for thrust. The compressor air comes out at about the temperature of an oven but is still highly effective in large volumes for cooling the combustion chamber lining and the nozzles and turbine blades. The airflow ensures that none of the flames form combustion touch the sides of the engine and the turbine blades and nozzles are made hollow with many tiny holes to allow the cooling air through.
Additionally, fuel will cool it a bit due to vaporization (like how an air conditioner works) and the engine oil is cooled by air or fuel in heat exchangers (like radiators).
Answer by LIQUIODD
If you look at the diagram of a turbofan, ( you can see that only about 25% of the air that passes through the turbofan makes it to the compression and combustion chambers. This means that the rest of the air travels over the shaft and cools down the whole engine.
This is why there are no fluids involved in cooling a turbofan. At higher altitudes, the air is also very cold. It is really so cold that the engine needs anti-ice heating on the front of the air intake, so ice doesn’t form and slow down routine or get sucked into the fan and produce distress.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
AT+T Microwave Relay and Powell’s Books
Image by ptufts
This tower is nearly certainly an ancient AT+T microwave relay station, back when long-distance traffic was uncommon enough that microwave links were sufficient to connect the nation. Each of these relays was in sight of its neighbors.
The network was designed and built during the cold war, and towers were placed in sheltered areas everywhere possible, with a view of the next tower, but hills blocking all other directions to protect the station in the event of a nuclear attack.
The relay stations used vacuum-tube radio gear that vital constant supervision and tuning, so there was round-the-clock staffing at these relays, even the remote ones.
By the time the book in the window, The pushbutton telephone songbook, was in print, transistors had replaced tubes and the stations could now be operated remotely, with only rare service visits.
Now, with the nation connected by wire and fiber, many of these towers are inactive or used as locations for cell phone antennas.
I don’t know how many people I’ve run into the last ten being
working for eight dollars an hour at Home Depot-Wal Mart type
jobs, who used to make 35-50 thousand and up at excellent factory
At least 85% of the people who got laid off at the local Allis-Chalmbers plant in Georgia here are all at huge box stores.
The laid-off women are working at Bed Bath and Beyond,
Wal-mart, and Best Buy, and the guys are working at Home
Depot, 6 dollar an hour Oil express seats, and convenience
They went from full benefits and 35-70 thousand a year with
vacations, to, no benefits, 6-9 dollars an hour(12-18-thousand
a year), and no paid time or days off. The only they get a vacation
is by quitting the job altogether.
One lady who used to supervise the engineering plant is scubbing
toilet bowls in office buildings late at night for 7 dollars an hour.
Is this the future of our economy?
What is going on here?
Are we a third-world country?
Even poor small Steph doesn’t know……….
So sad about Ohio.
Even sadder is Michigan, your sister state.
At least Ohio is a bit diversified, and Cinncinnati and Columbus are relatively
Michigan is a one-trick pony of auto manutafturers and auto parts.
The pony is losing its one trick quick.
GM, Ford, and Daimler-Chysler have announced 100,000 new layoffs in just the
upcoming year, and 12 factories in Detroit
region are shuttering.
Everywhere in the h e l l are 100,000 people supposed to go?
Are they all left promotion stuff on EBAY?
Promotion Carlton Sheet’s foreclosed properties to each other?
Honestly, A excellent-looking woman under
30 would do better promotion her a s s
on the street, or hooking in Vegas….
at the very least working in strip clubs.
If I was a excellent looking chick, I’d be dancing
at the clubs for 300-400 cash a night,
way, way before I’d take a Wal-Mart job.
It you are grown-up, or hideous, you have no choice
but to work at Huge Box stores stacking
Chris, congressmen are tools of the power
elite. If you get rid of the rascals, they just place in more rascals pleased to do their bidding. Remember the golden rule:
“He who hath the gold, maketh the rules”
Answer by steph
I dont know
Answer by Chris
Over 250,000 lonely in Ohio (due to factories closing). This is the future. Scary isn’t it? We need to get the jerks in office, OUT of office. so delight vote and help to place someone in who remembers what it is like to live like a “commoner” We are becoming the top third world country due to NAFTA, and CAFTA. Email your congressmen and let them know you won’t place up with this anymore (EVERYONE!!!).
Give your answer to this question below!
AT&T Building Most Advanced Mobile Broadband Experience in Phoenix; Announces 2011 Network Upgrade Plans
PHOENIX, March 30, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — AT&T*, building on its strong 2010 record of network accomplishments, now announced network enhancement plans designed to enable 4G speeds** and enhanced reliability to Phoenix and surrounding communities in 2011. The wireless network enhancement plans are part of AT&T’s plotted $ 19-billion investment in its wireless and wireline networks and other …
Read more on redOrbit
AT&T and Cell Phones For Soldiers (CPFS) are charitable wireless customers, of any carrier, the chance to recycle their ancient wireless devices and donate the proceeds to a excellent produce. AT&T and CPFS have made a free online tool designed to help individuals conduct their own donation drives with a new electronic starter kit, available at Anyone looking to recycle a cell phone, from any carrier, can drop off used cell phones and accessories at any of the 2000-plus AT&T stores crosswise the US Or, they can download free shipping marks from
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