Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 3, 2011

How do I send group text with a samsung rant sprint service?

How do I send group text with a samsung rant sprint service?

I made a group but didn’t name it and I can’t find it in my phone. I need to make group texts but don’t know how. Help!!!
my phone doesn’t have the option of find group
Thanks for all your answers I finally got it.

Answer by Juliana H
1. Go into your messages.
2. Select send message, then text message.
3. Select “From Contacts”
4. Your entire phone-book should appear.
5. Select Options
6. Select “Find Group”
7. Choose the group desired.
8. Your contacts from that group will appear.
9. Select Options then select “Select All”
10. Continue on to “Done” then “Next”
11. Type your message, and send.

Answer by They call me Andrew
I have the Rant too, and i made a group to test it out.

Look through your all your contacts. The group is listed just like a normal contact. Then you’ll see the option to send message.

Answer by alliebabax71
go to menu
then messages
send text message
then at the top it says go to contacts or theres a list of recently messaged people
then the top left side button says multiple
then you click okay to at the most ten people you want to send the text to

Add your own answer in the comments!

11/365: My Ecclesia Houston small group knows how to dish it up. Like you guys & gals.
samsung group

Image by kalebdf

If I send a Group Text Messages does the other person have to have a Samsung Strive too or can they just have a really different phone ?
I was thinking about getting the Samsung Strive ; I just want to know anything about it.

Answer by GoGreen!!!!!
I have the same question i just bought one yesterday! its pretty awesome though.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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