Is it possible to do other things such as creating a message while there is a message sending in samsung c3303?
it takes a long time to send group messages because the message screen doesn’t exit until all the messages are sent,unlike in Nokia where you can still do other things while sending a message. Can anyone please help me? thanks ! )
Answer by talkies
Hello, I believe this is the difference with samsung and nokia phones. They both differ in terns of OS and programming.
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Agora danse Samsung-087
Image by Julie70
trying to make a contacts group but it says “to use this function first save or copy contacts to phone”. but how?
thanks problemo solved.
Answer by smile forever!
i think ur contacts are in sim card memory. open ur contacts, clik on options, then select on copy or move contacts. copy will keep ur contacts in ur mobile as well as sim. move will bring all contacts to ur phone n ther wont be any contacts in sim. n thus u can create groups
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