Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 6, 2011

Iphone price cut! Do you got affected? Are you gonna be able to use the new 14-day grace period?

Iphone price cut! Do you got affected? Are you gonna be able to use the new 14-day grace period?

Cell phones market is sort of a perfect competition in which the companies have to be some sort of price takers. Obviously, Apple did not anticipated that the Iphone was not going to sell as many units as expected. Now, for persons loyal apple customers who were the first ones to get their hands on one of persons Iphones, things are looking really terrible, since you are not going to get anything back, since you paid the premium of getting the most much loved cell phone ever made.
Do you agree? Do you disagree? Why, and what do you suggest it will be to come after this crash?

Answer by airjarrod
Everything comes down in price ultimately. It’s just a matter of how terrible you want it.

Answer by Diver Dude
It appears Apple has had a lot of feedback on this issue and has now come out with an apology letter and an offer of a $ 100 store-credit to anyone who bought an iPhone former to the 14-day window. See the url below:

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Still life at half priced books
iphone price

Image by Cowgirl111
Brushes pic grunge light iphone

Just wondering roughly how long until the iphone price will drop and how much it will drop by?
Best answer gets 10 points!!!!

Answer by Nick =)
Hey man i belive that the iphone will drop down in price within 2 or 3 months around $ 200-$ 300 which is when the hype is cool down for one

Answer by Yash B
I don’t reckon the price will come down.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
Vodafone hikes iPhone 4 price
Vodafone has increased the price of the iPhone 4, and will now charge $ 330 more for the smartphone on some contracts. read more
Read more on Otago Daily Times

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