Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2011

does anyone have any interesting stories calling verizon wireless customer service?

does anyone have any interesting stories calling verizon wireless customer service?

I swear every time I call them I get a different tale from them. anyone else have any pun or annoying tales. im thinking to switch to sprint but i dont know.
verizon has conned a lot of money out of me and my mom. its crazy

Answer by Julie
I work for Verizon and I owe Sprint over $ 1000. Sprint will con you out of money. They have terrible service inside buildings and the customer service with Sprint will make you want to go through the phone and strangle them. I like Verizon and not just because I work for them.

Answer by Tech Master =D
hahahahaha! i used to have verizon and i would always call customer service cuz it was so pun! they never helped me out at all! i would consider switching to another carrier but you should do some research and see which carrier has the best coverage in your area (hopefully not verizon but if it is you can just switch to the next best carrier.) best of luck!

Add your own answer in the comments!

University of Maryland Marketing Expert Says Verizon's Success with iPhone Will Depend on Performance
verizon wireless customer service

Image by University of Maryland Press Releases
P.K. Kannan, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing Science and Chair, Department of Marketing at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, reacts to Verizon Wireless' announcement today that they will now carry Apple's iPhone. He says the carrier's success will depend on its network performance.

Contact Prof. P.K. Kannan:

"The impact of iPhone 4 release by Verizon on the competitive landscape boils down to one word: performance. That is, the performance of iPhone 4 on Verizon’s CDMA wireless communications network.

"Verizon has been touting that its CDMA network’s reliability will afford iPhone users to be 'on' all the time and continue interacting with treatment-heavy iPhone applications without having the current problems they experience with AT&T’s network, whose performance has been spotty. AT&T rolled out its treatment tiered-pricing schemes for its iPhone 4 precisely to counter its network quality problems, some of which were partly due to the boundless data treatment plans for the previous versions of iPhone.

"Verizon may maybe steal many of AT&T iPhone customers if its network holds up to the heavy iPhone treatment and delivers the reliable service Verizon is known for. In addition, it may maybe also sign up significant new iPhone customers. Analysts expect Verizon to sell 9 million to 12 million new iPhones, some of which may maybe be converts from AT&T.

"AT&T boasts of better speed and functionality (one can use the iPhone for multi-tasking with their GSM phones, which is somewhat hard in Verizon’s CDMA versions), but it has been plagued by dropped service with heavy treatment of iPhone. If Verizon performs well, it can have a significant impact on AT&T. The exclusive deal AT&T had with iPhone has been responsible for its increased retention tariff of customers spurred by die-hard iPhone fans. Now these customers will have another option — a more reliable, all-you-can-eat model for their iPhones. In addition to losing some iPhone customers (who value reliability more than speed and functionality) immediately, AT&T’s customer retention tariff may maybe fall over time. The better Verizon’s performance is, the larger this retention rate decrease will be.

"If, on the additional hand, Verizon is not able to keep its promise of more reliable network quality than AT&T, the downside impact on AT&T will be minimal. While Verizon is likely to pick up more customers later the immediate release of its iPhone version, their network quality performance over time will determine the long-run impact on the competitive landscape."

—P.K. Kannan, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing Science
Chair, Department of Marketing,
Robert H. Smith School of Business

Media contact:
Carrie Handwerker, PR and Marketing Administrator

See also a University of Maryland "Hot Topic" expert’s list on the iPhone:

Answer by broken_wing1990

Answer by rockfish
fantastic service. no problems.

Answer by Degrassi First
Sorry, not me.

Answer by Rosalina G
additional then my bills no

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Verizon pursues dead woman’s bill for three months
Verizon insists on billing a woman for three months after she died, even though the service the company provided reportedly didn’t work. The saddest part is the small amounts of money involved.
Read more on CNET Learn why Verizon Wireless is an employer of choice in New Mexico.
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