Can't install themes on my Nokia n82. help???
i just can’t install themes for my cellphone N82. anyone has the same phone and can help me? i download the themes, but the phone doesn’t recognize them. what do u think is the problem?
Answer by el_bandito_16
update your firmware. download nokia software updater (google it)
Answer by tbirdlyngby
Hi there.
Try this:
Turn your calender ( on the phone) 1 year back-!
Now…install the theme(s) you want,and turn the calender back to normal-!
Good Luck-!
Add your own answer in the comments!
Answer by Andrew
drag the cursor over the item
hit options
select remove
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The classic N95 dual slide, QVGA-screened, T9 keypad form factor seems a little quaint in 2011, but the N86 8MP is perhaps the ultimate incarnation of the design and has a number of extremely modern touches.
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Some themes, menu review. My nokia n82 black
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