Q&A: Why can't I send a message with my Nokia 5310?
I use rogers in canada, and my new phone is a Nokia 5310 xpress music. I can receive Text messages fine, but when I send them, the screen says sending text failed. What should I do?
Answer by ™
do you have a texting plot
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Emergency exit
Image by NathanaelB
Pedantic perhaps … but if it’s on the outside of the vehicle then it’s not an exit – and you’re not likely to have an Emergency Entry – so I’m calling a "fail" on this sticker.
And why does a simple handle require an instruction diagram?
i am using nokia 3110c my mobile sends file through bluetooth but not recieves files through bluetooth.it shows operation failed.why it is not working…
i need solution for this conundrum
Answer by johnny quest
I too encountered same prob. But after upgrading software i am free of such conundrum
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Microsoft’s Windows OS For Tablets Coming Next Week?
Microsoft has been the talk of the town since hedge fund rock star David Einhorn said he likes the stock but CEO Steve Ballmer has to go. While one of the company's largest conundrum has come in the form of quicker, more astute competition, developing new harvest such as tablets and smartphones, Microsoft might be close to releasing its own tablet operating system and making its mark on the …
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