Q&A: Is it true that LG electronics (Europe Division, DENMARK) has an LG PROMO?
I just want to authenticate if the message sent to me by Dr. JENS HULLIT, Public Relations Department, LG Europe (Denmark) is real. This is about LG PROMO informing me as ONE MILLION US DOLLARS winner though my BLOG ticket.
Michelle Grace N. Odon
Answer by Paul Z
Yes, I live in Denmark, and it is a new prommotion life held here in denmark…. you are obviously very lucky to be a winner
Answer by Fumbling His Confidence… Rich
Eh, I was told of the same business via one of my spam email accounts(one I don’t care for if it does get spam).
A Jens H sent it to me, as happened in your case. That profile has no picture or any additional data, so I judge it to be fake.
Also, the actual email was written horribly with a lot of CAPS and lowercase letters without much care to what was written.
Any way, I have never made a yahoo blog, lol, so I’m positively certain the email is junk.
I would apparent your cookies and such and do a virus scan.
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LG전자 안승권 사장(CTO), "올해 스마트 제품에 대한 모든 것을 보여줄 것"
Image by LGEPR
LG전자 최고기술책임자(CTO) 안승권 사장 5일(현지시간) 미국 라스베이거스 샌즈 엑스포(Sands expo)에서 열린 LG글로벌 프레스 컨퍼런스에서 스마트TV를 비롯한 LG전자 혁신 제품과 기술을 발표하고 있다.
LG Lifes Excellent, thats the ad one and the additional is……………………. probably something else
Answer by Larry
Judge it or not, the legal name is LG Electronics. The company was founded as GoldStar in 1958, renamed LG Electronics in 1995 just after it bought Zenith Electronics
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The new 2Bay Super-Multi NAS from LG Electronics. N2B1DD2 = Built in Blu-ray rewriter, and 2x1TB HDD. N2R1DD1 = Built in DVD-rewriter, and 1x1TB HDD. For more information: www.lge.com
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